The appeal letter from

January 2, 1994

Most Reverend John R. Quinn
The Chancery
445 Church Street
San Franclsco , CA 94110

Dear Archbishop Quinn:

We are writing to you to appeal the decision to close St. Brigids' Parish. We do marriage preparation for the Parish as well as participate in ministeries as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of Hospitality. We find a growing core of younger adults who are becomming involved in Parish life in all these areas.

The letter which officially notifies of the closlng of St. Brigids ' cites information concerning the viability of the Faith Community that is years out of date. Since the time of the Parish Self Study, from which the statements were taken, improvements have been made in all the areas cited. Evidence of this was given to the Planning Commission at the cluster meetings but it seems that they were not considered or included in the final draft of the commendations.

We agree that there are presently too many Parishes for the number of faithful being ministered to. We also agree that many of the facilities proposed for closure are aging and in a poor state of maintenance, this is not the case at St. Brigid.

In conclusion, we believe that the funds to siesmically retrofit the building at St. Brigid will be, first, far less than the estimate of the planners and, second, far easier to raise than those required for guildine new facilities when the need arises. We further believe that if we are to have success in bringing back the numbers of Catholics that the Plan proposes, we will need the Church building and the organizations of the Parish that will be lost. Therefore, we respectfully request that you reconsider your decicion.



J. & E.M.


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