The appeal letter from

December 23, 1993

The Most Reverend John R. Quinn
Archbishop of San Francisco
445 Church Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

Dear Archbishop Quinn:

On behalf of over 100 members of Our Lady's Sodality of St. Brigid's Church, I respectfully ask you to keep our parish open. For your information, I have attached a copy of our group's history and purpose.

Our Sodality members are not wealthy or influential; we are simple Christians, many of us elderly, some infirm. Despite our weaknesses, our faith and church life are vibrant with St. Brigid's at its heart. Many of our associates attend daily Mass. If St. Brigid's Church closes, it will be very difficult for the majority of our members to attend another parish, and also it will be impossible for us to replicate our Sodality.

Archbishop, please do not overlook the least of your brethren and remember Our Lord's comments regarding the widow's mite and the early Church's compassion to the Greek widows. Please respond to our petition and allow St. Brigid's Church to remain open.


Our Lady's Sodality
St. Brigid's Church



Our Lady's Sodality of St. Brigid's Church was founded in October 1953 by Monsignor James Cantwell and is devoted to Our Blessed Mother and to the service of our Parish and Archdiocese. We have over 100 members and membership in our group is open to all women; and our nominal dues (which are waived in eases of hardship) are used for funding a scholarship at St. Brigid's School and for mailing costs of our monthly bulletin.

Our Lady's Sodality has a representative in the San Francisco County Council of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women and fully supports the Council's works, including the Christ Child Layette Program. The Sodality has monthly meetings during the scholastic year and our topics are spirtually-oriented and/or communityoriented such as presentations by the St. Anthony's Foundation and Catholic Charities.

We have monthly Masses said for our living and deceased members and, through our telephone committee, all members are notified and asked for prayers in the ease of a serious illness or death of one of our members. Our Lady's Sodality fosters participation in parish events and encourages members to join other parish organizations such as Renew, the St. Vincent De Paul Society, the Altar Society, etc.


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