The appeal letter from

DECEMBER 29, 1993

Most Rev. John R. Quinn
Archbishop of San Francisco
445 Church Street
San Francisco, Ca. 94114

Dear Archbishop Quinn:

The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Brigid's Church and I were greatly disappointed to hear that our Church was among the many in San Francisco that were to be closed down this coming June.

In the past two years this Conference has done many acts of charity for the needy which have strengthened the feeling of unity in Christ among the members of our group and the people we serve. I am writing to ask you to please reconsider your decision to close St. Brigid's Church so our Conference can continue to ease the pain and suffering of the needy and homeless in our Community.

In the past year the St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Brigid's Church has made thousands of sandwiches for the hungry, collected socks, clothes, linen and toiletries for the homeless, done many chores for the elderly and sick in our own parish, and given thousands of dollars to the support of St. Vincent de Paul Shelters. None of these undertakings could have been accomplished without the generous support of the parishioners and the guidance of the Clergy of St. Brigid's Church. We have been continually amazed by the overwhelming response of our parishioners whenever we have asked for donations of time, money or material. The members of St. Brigid's Church truly care about the less fortunate in our society, and I feel privileged to be able to work with so many compassionate and loving people.

without the support of the members of St. Brigid's Church our Conference would not be able to continue our efforts to help the needy in San Francisco. Aside from helping people that our society has largely forgotten, the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference has helped the members and me to grow closer to Christ, helping us to share more fully in God's love. Please let us continue our efforts to help the needy in San Francisco by allowing St. Brigid's parish to remain open.

I am available any evening to discuss any aspect of this letter that you wish.



President - St. Vincent de Paul Conference
of St. Brigid's Church.


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